Recipe by @electricmice
1 Pack Miracle Noodle Angle Hair
1 oz Broccoli
1 oz Zucchini
1 oz Bell Peppers
4 oz steak
1 Tbsp Butter
1/4 oz Soy sauce
1/4 Lime juice
1/4 Sesame oil
1 Tbsp Thai Green Hot Sauce
2 Tbsp Avocado oil
2 Tbsp Neil Sarap Asian Rub
1.) Prepare the noodles as instructed in the packaging, then add the butter.
2.) Mix the soy sauce, lime juice, sesame oil, and thai green hot sauce into a marinade.
3.) Marinade the steak and cook until medium rare.
4.) Sautee the vegtables in avocado oil and niel sarap asian rub.
5.) Place the steak and vegatbles on top of the noodles.
6.) Sprinkle a bit of niel sarap asian rub on top.
7.) Serve and Enjoy.
NY Strip Stir Fry