Is Whole Grain Pasta Better for Weight Loss

Registered Dietician, Tanya Zuckerbrot's successful diet book, the Miracle Carb Diet, promises that you can lose weight without the hunger. We, on the Miracle Noodle Team, like the sound of that. If you do want to try a diet, avoid those that irresponsibly and dangerously severely limit calorie intake.
Ignore fad diets that have you drink only liquid for several days, if not weeks. Despite what tabloid pictures you've seen of celebrities who have gotten skinny on these diets, what do you think is going to happen as soon as they stop the unsustainable diet? That's right, they're going to binge on end up putting more weight back on before they started. 
Zuckerbrot's book is based on her 'F-Factor' newsletter and diet plan. Her concept is certainly nothing new but it is clever marketing on her part; doesn't 'F-Factor' sound alluring, mysterious...don't you want to know what the 'F-Factor' is? 
Quite simply, the "F" stands for fiber. Although starchy carbohydrates should be limited by nearly everybody, you don't have to drastically reduce carbohydrate intake, especially if you're getting plenty of fiber. 
We've told you several times about the importance of getting enough fiber in your diet. If you have yet to read the Miracle Noodle e-book, Using Miracle Noodles for Health, click here
But one thing that is mistakenly considered good for weight loss is swapping white flour pasta for whole grain pasta. 
Don't let us persuade you why, though. Instead, the F-Factor newsletter explains why. Read on the F-Factor website or here below:

Factor-In / Factor-Out

We’ve scoured supermarkets and restaurants to find healthy food swaps for fattening favorites. Now you can satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your waistline.


Miracle Noodles

Serving: 1 1/2 cups, 0 calories, 0 carbohydrates, 0 grams fat


Barilla Whole Grain Pasta

Serving: 1 1/2 cups, 200 calories, 41 g carbohydrates, 1.5 g fat

A steaming bowl of pasta is great on a cold winter’s day ... except for all those carbs! Stop worrying and just make yourself some delicious Miracle Noodles! A serving has zero calories, zero carbohydrates, and zero fat, and that sure beats Barilla’s Whole Grain Pasta, which packs a whopping 200 calories and 41 grams of carbs per 1 1/2 cups serving. 

Tanya’s Tip: Soup up your noodles the F-Factor way with some non-starchy vegetables and lean protein topped with 1/2 cup of Amy’s Organic Tomato Basil Pasta Sauce, which has just 110 calories and 3g of belly filling fiber!

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