Chicken Curry Rice Meal

Chicken Curry Rice Meal

Comfort food can certainly be low-carb and flavorful with this Chicken Curry Rice Meal. Cook this meal up with our keto-friendly Miracle Rice. 

Recipe from Kitchxenera.


1 pack of Miracle Rice
Cauliflower rice
1-2 tbsp coconut oil
1 lb chicken
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 small onion, sliced
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp curry powder (i used madras curry powder for this recipe)
200 ml coconut milk
Bellpepper, celery (you may add other veggies)
Thai chilis
Ground black pepper
Salt - if needed 


1. Prepare Miracle Rice according to package. Set aside.
2. Prepare cauliflower rice. Combine with Miracle Rice. Set aside.
3. Saute garlic and onion over medium heat. Add chicken and sear both sides for few minutes.
4. Add the fish sauce, curry powder, thai chilis and black pepper. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add coconut milk, and let it simmer for about 30 mins or until chicken is cooked.
6. Add the bell pepper and celery and cook for about 2 mins. Season with fish sauce/salt if needed.
7. Serve over Miracle Rice and cauliflower rice.

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