Miracle Pumpkin Donut Holes

Miracle Pumpkin Donut Holes

Miracle Noodle Ambassador, Charlie, has donut again! Get it?!? She's truly a master at macro friendly recipes that are absolutely delicious! Just in time for fall eats, here's a real treat! Made with pumpkin and extra fiber from our noodles! Yes, it's true! Who knew?!? Charlie did! She used Miracle Noodle Fettuccini!

Follow Charlie for great eats and treats in Instagram at @trainingwithcharlie!

"What’s better than a donut? Donut holes of course! Shareable, snackable, and I get to pretend the serving size is bigger because there are more of them LOL. I made a batch of these pumpkin donut holes with a cinnamon sugar crumb, and they are so tasty! Paleo, dairy free, low carb, AND low calorie!? I’ll take 20, please."

Serving size: 5 Doughnut Holes
Macros: 81 Calories | 4.6 Net Carbs | 3.2 Protein | 2.6 Fat


For dough:

2 tablespoons of coconut flour
2 tablespoons of pumpkin purée
¼ cup Miracle Noodle Fettuccine
2 packets Truvia or sweetener of choice
1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice seasoning

For cinnamon sugar topping:
1 packet Truvia
â…› teaspoon ground Himalayan sea salt
â…› teaspoon pumpkin spice seasoning


1.) Drain, rinse and pat dry miracle noodles.
2.) In a food processor, place all dough ingredients. Blend until well combined.
3.) Take a tablespoon of the mixture and roll into a ball. Set aside on a plate and place in the fridge for 10 minutes.
4.) Mix the cinnamon sugar topping in a small shallow bowl. Roll each dough ball in the sugar topping.
5.) Enjoy!

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Hi, Michelle!

They are not baked. They set up via refrigeration. Easy, peasy!

Miracle Noodle Teri

Hi, Margie!

2 teaspoons. Thanks!

Miracle Noodle Teri

If I want to use cane sugar instead of Trivia, how much would I use?

Margie Miller

This can’t be right. The dough is not cooked?


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