Miracle Noodle Success Stories

I have had diabetes for about 20 years, and I am also gluten sensitive. My husband is Italian, so, needless to say, I have to prepare pasta several times a week. I have always had trouble controlling my blood sugars, but now with Miracle Noodles, I can substitute regular pasta for Miracle Noodles. They allow me to be gluten free, eat low carbohydrate and low calorie meals, and still enjoy my pasta dishes. Also, I add them to other dishes (cooked vegetables, soups, chili, etc.). This allows me to be able to eat a full plate of food without all the calories.
I have recently been trying "Intermittent Fasting." Combining this with using Miracle Noodles has helped me to start losing weight. My blood sugars are still not perfect, but they have improved. For years, I wished that I could find a food that had very little calories, but would allow me to eat enough to be satiated. I never thought it would happen. Miracle Noodles is the answer. Thank you.
Kathleen DeFrank
Eastlake, Ohio
They sure satisfy a pasta craving! Glad to see a wider variety than just the rice and angel hair pasta!
Tina Johnson Starnes
The spaghetti is my new favorite. So good. And I love Ziti in the summer as it makes great cold salads (chicken, tuna and regular macaroni) Or adds body to any vegetable salad. I use my organic home made mayo with organic herbs and greens. No guilt and tons of flavor. It is great in soups as well.
Pam Sharp
Miracle Noodle TOTALLY ROCKS! I love them!!! I also love pasta, but as a diabetic, I can only enjoy pasta once in a great while. The Miracle Noodle is an awesome substitute. I have tried the Angel Hair and the Fettuccini. Have yet to try the "rice" version. The trick (as recommended by the company) is to cook the noodles in the sauce. Had fettuccini and clams last night - my non-diabetic wife loved it as well. Thanks for a great product!
James Drollinger
I started using Miracle Noodles two years ago. Started with a bag (because I was skeptical of getting the smell from the water in the bag rinsed off enough) Then I went to four a month, now I am ordering thirty bags a month I have the prep down pat and I do four to six bags at a time. Stores well for days. I love anything pasta and what I do is easy and quick!! Anytime I see a post on these noodles - I comment. A lot of people don't want to mess with the prep - takes less than ten minutes!! Rinse in a strainer thoroughly with hot water couple times-then put microwave bowl in water and microwave until bubbly for five minutes. Take it and rinse with cold water - drain and I put on paper towel to soak up excess water that does come from noodles. Then , put in container for refrigeration!! Then-you're good to go!! Enjoy!!!! You will!! Just take the time!!! My favorite are Angel Hair!
Penny Flier
I had them for lunch today and can't get enough. On the monthly shipment plan and they keep my wife and I on the straight and narrow! Can't wait for the less aromatic noodles to start coming. I am inventing new recipes daily. We eat them before going out to big dinners or parties. The full feeling from the Miracle Noodles keeps us from grazing.
Mark R. Wolfe
I eat them often. I am a nutritionist. They are wonderful and really help my patients with their pasta cravings (and mine too!) You have to rinse, boil, DRY, (on paper towels) and I normally then throw them in a pan with garlic, tomato sauce, olive oil, spinach.....etc. smile emoticon Really, really good.
Suzanne D'Olimpio Falco
Dieting has always been a hit and miss with me. Since I started with the Miracle Noodles and Miracle Rice I've been averaging a pound a week weight lose. I love that I can have guilt free meals. They are a little expensive but I think I'm worth it. I'm down from a size XXL to a large. Miracle Noodles will be on my plate as long as I am in charge of my meals. Hopefully for years to come!
Clara Charpentier
These are to die for! I just got my order and tried three of the 6 samples they sent and every one is delicious! Easy to prepare, and totally guilt free! I am so going to order more and spread the word too! WOO-HOO! I can eat pasta again!
Mary Szarejko-Bergstraesser
These are SO GOOD! I just placed my second order and can't wait to get them on a regular basis. Thank you Miracle Noodle folks for this delicious, HEALTHY product! I "did" Atkins for 3 years - only not so well for the last 2 of them...Lost 120 lbs, gained back 50, lost 30 of those so far, BUT I am actually well on my way to finish my weight-loss journey BECAUSE of being able to actually enjoy "pasta" and "rice" again! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!
Rosemary Reed
I eat them at least five times a week. They are wonderful because they are so versatile. I use them often in soups, simply because I love soup. I roasted my organic home grown tomatoes and added my organic herbs to make a wonderful sauce that goes great with several kinds of the noodles. I like the Ziti in warm weather fixed as a macaroni salad. And of course they are great in any stir fry. Follow the easy directions and you will love them too.
Pam Sharp
I actually tried them recently, and they were freakishly good. They really don't have a flavor of their own but take on the taste of whatever you put them with.... sauces, veggies, whatever. Not the same way tofu does. I've made Pad Thai with them and have made spaghetti with them, and honestly, they're as yummy as any "wheat-based" pasta I've ever tried. I will forever and always buy these.
Jerrilyn Willis
I had to share my opinion about the Miracle Noodle..At first i wasskeptical, thinking how can it be,it probably tastes awful it is probably loaded with sodium ect..Well I am here to tell everyone ifyour in doubt, please put that doubt to rest! They are delicious and Ihave been eating them daily.
I mix it with fresh vegetables a littleParmesan cheese and bam the most delicious dinner or lunch,, whateveryou chose. next I'm trying the recipe they had to use the noodles andmake rice pudding..who would of thought so low calorie and delicious!Definitely worth the try! Enjoy!!
Maria Mantovano
I just finished my first order of the Kanten Dry Pasta and ordered my second. I can't tell you how much I like this product. I really like how quickly it is ready to eat, how well it clings to sauces, fills me up, & satisfies my hunger for a long time.
I recently had my blood work done & my A1c dropped from 7.2 to 6.7 & my LDL cholesterol dropped from 134 to 100. So I believe the Kanten Dry Pasta had a lot to do with those improvements since I've been eating in in recent months. Oh, and I've dropped 6 pounds without even trying.
I just wanted to let you know how your product has been helping me improve my health.
Thank you very much for this wonderful product.
Patricia Melvin
I know this sounds "too good to be true" but it really IS amazing. I tried Miracle Noodle Calorie Free Noodles a few years ago, but couldn't find them locally. Now I order online and the product line just keeps expanding! At first I thought they were a bit expensive, especially if you compare the price to regular or 'ramen' noodles... but for ZERO calories, ZERO carbs and High Fiber... it's well worth it. They have great sales and free shipping. Right now I just bought Variety Sampler- 4 Angel Hair, 2 Spinach Angel Hair, 3 Fettuccini, 3 Miracle Rice for $34.00.
Pamela T.
Dupo, IL
Just wanted to let you all know I think your rice is great! The consistency is perfect. A wonderful new product. Thanks.
-- Taylor Gimbel
I am so thankful to actually find a product that "is" what it claims, is an incredible asset to my life and that provides outstanding customer service. I have shouted from the rooftops about this product, even placing a link and post on my Facebook page. I am on the HCG Diet and the noodles provide a fabulous "filler" for the morning. I can not wait till I am in the maintenace phase when I can use other sauces. To be able to enjoy the sensation of pasta without all the fat, carbs and calories is incredible! I placed a large order yesterday and I can't wait to try and enjoy all the other styles as well as the angel hair that I KNOW is great!
Thank YOU for this product!
-- Leigh
-- Ortonville, Michigan
Jill- got the noodles this afternoon and have already tried them! They are the BEST purchase I have made in a long, long time. I work for Nevada Diabetes Association. We do camps for kids with type 1 and we do a lot of counseling for type 2 diabetics as well. I can not wait to tell them how fabulous your product is! I will tell all my friends and am bringing a sample bag and some sauce to a party tonight to show about 20 people.
-- Diana
-- Reno, Nevada
ok so my order arrived yesterday, i opened first bag was surpised at the smell but I was a chef for 8 years and knew everything doesnt smeel great, noticed the retrun policy i was happy to see that.. Well i started cooking and sat down with the family and began eating as they laughed thinking they were going to be nasty, well since i have been diabetic I have yet to have pasta, and growing up itailain i missed it so much, so after i had my first bite i almost cried, THEY ARE AMAZING,, my wife tried one and she loved it, i was so happy i ran in to call and tell my friend, big mistake came back and my 5 year old finished my plate lol. with out being able to hug you guys, all i can say is THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART.
-- Vincent
-- Washington
I am a long time foodie, have been to Cordon Bleu, Lorenza de Medici, CIA St Helena etc. Love the noodles. Got them today, served them with a Brazilian stew. Wife loved them too. Such a product!
-- Phillip
-- Kansas City, Missouri
I am part of a large group of parents who has a child on the keto diet. We are always trying to come up with meals that are not only allowable by our dieticians but ones that they will eat and enjoy. I hope that I get the chance so that I may pass along some new ideas. I have already come up with about 12 different options for meals and shared them with other parents for their children. Keto is hard and certain things make it a little more bearable for the kids. Miracle noodles is one.
-- Lisa
-- Lynden, Washington
Have received part order and cooked them last night. Fabulous !!!! Thanks so much !!!Ps, 2 of my children have type 1 diabetes, so am very happy that part $ goes to Diabetes research :)
-- Julie
-- Australia
Have received part order and cooked them last night. Fabulous !!!! Thanks so much !!!Ps, 2 of my children have type 1 diabetes, so am very happy that part $ goes to Diabetes research :)
-- Julie
-- Australia
I have been eating other brands of Shirataki noodles for a few years now, but I must tell you, yours are the BEST I have ever had. The texture is marvelous and with zero calories, they are far superior to any other brand I have tried. Consider me a customer for life!!!"
-- Pam
"I am in a special diet program to get me off diabetes medicine. I had your noodles last night and with my wife's sauce they were better then expected. Since Rice noodles do not help this really is a blessing!"
-- Art
I am very impressed with the noodles. So far I have added them to homemade vegetable soup and used with Marinara sauce, both were great tasting and very filling. I find that I don't want more than a half a package at the most in a day. and I am not as hungry the rest of the day and in the evening. A great product and no problems with the many food allergies that I have.
-- Helen
I got my first order of Angel Hair miracle noodles. I used a receipe from the Rachel Ray show and substitued the pasta for MN. It was great. I think I am going to like this product.
-- Mary
I just traveled across two states (not as crazy as it sounds my family lives there) and purchased the Miracle noodles in a gluten free health store. I was concerned about purchasing a large amount off the website. I AM NOT CONCERNED ANYMORE!!! They are AWESOME. My mother in law even tasted them and liked them and she does not like anything. Believe me when I say that. I am so excited to try the other varieties. Thank you Miracle Noodle.
-- Leslie
WE LOVE the NOODLES!!!! I have thru hard work, exercise and diet been able to lose almost 300 pounds on my own (298 to be exact) and my husband has lost 70! we have always loved pasta and it has been a real sore spot with us cause we feel deprived. But since finding you guys, you have made dinners fun again! We have been recreating all of our favorite dishes using your products and fat free low calorie ingredients to make the most amazing dishes! As soon as we perfect them completely we will send you the recipes and share with others promise! Just wanted you to know you made two used to be morbidly obese individuals very, very happy!!!! here's to enjoying the rest of our lives being skinny, healthy and eating like kings
-- Stephen
I love the noodles! Ican't have gluten or wheat and the rice noodles are discusting. I am so glad I found you! Have you thought of selling to gluten free companies? You Should!
-- Debbie
I just want to say that I am beyond delighted that I found your product online. I love pasta and have found it difficult to get back on my low carb plan because. Thanks. I am going to try your product.
-- Jennifer
I received my box today, it was waiting when i got home from work. I purchased the noodles to help my husband who is 450 lbs lose weight. He is very sedintary from an accident a few years back. It is so sad cause he suffers in so much pain. His blood sugars range from 7 - 30's and he takes handfuls of pills for it and a Whole box of insilun a day to try and control it. I hope that this will help him start to lose weight so he doesn't feel so defeated by his weight. Anyways I made him the noodles, I added green onions while boiling, I added oil after, Organic sugar free Chickensoup base for flavour and tossed. Added a live aray of stemed low carb veggies and presented it to him. He liked them right away. "WOW" were his first words. He expected them to be terrible. I checked again at the end of his meal and he said they are great. Order more! I left and returned a minute later and he asked Did you order them? A little confused I said not yet. "What are you waiting for? he asked. And he is very fussy. So now I'm going to order lots. Thought Id tell you seen as you asked.
-- Gail
These are the BEST! Now I can once again eat Italian without eating gluten!!! This is a miracle!! Rice noodles, and quinoa are okay, but your noodles have great texture and with no actual taste, it is just the sauce and meatballs and veggies! Yum! and THANK YOU!
-- Kathleen
Hi- Got my noodles and absolutlely love them!!!!! I've tried the soy shirataki noodles at whole foods but these are WAY better!! I'm 56 and need to lose some weight and also have been diagnosed with prediabetes, so these noodles seem like a godsend to me as they hopefully will help me lose weight (I've tried everything and nothing seems to work) and also control my blood sugar. Thank you so much for these noodles!!! Also, am finding the 7 part newsletter very informative -thank you for that! And also enjoyed the Tom Venuto materials- I exercise quite a bit and have done so all my life so I always like to read fitness info. Thanks a lot for the noodles, the info, and the support!
-- Kathy
Love your noodles. It's a great source of fiber which helps control my IBS symptoms. And, I make an awesome noodle pudding that my whole family loves, which may I add is totally guilt free in eating. Love it, Love it, can't live without it!!P.S. - I've looked for other Shirataki Noodles but they all seem to have tofu in them. I'm not supposed to eat tofu due to my bout with BC.
-- Thanks for any help.
-- Sincerely,
-- JoAnn
I am very impressed with the noodles. So far I have added them to homemade vegetable soup and used with Marinara sauce, both were great tasting and very filling. I find that I don't want more than a half a package at the most in a day. and I am not as hungry the rest of the day and in the evening. A great product and no problems with the many food allergies that I have.
I LOVE THESE NOODLES !!!! I found your website by accident while browsing for low carb foods. The name intrigued me so I started to read about your product; I decided to place an order. I received my first shipment 2 days ago and I can't stop eating them!!! I love cellophane noodles and rice sticks but could not eat them once I decided on a low carb life style. These noodles taste very much like cellophane noodles. I made low carb egg rolls with them and it was delicious. I know they are high fiber and I may regret it but I ate them 3 times today (1 1/2 bags!!!). I will be placing another order soon. Can't wait to try some of the other styles, such as the lasagna noodle. Thank you for providing us with this wonderful product!
-- Debra,
-- Cameron, Wisconsin
We had our first meal with the orzo noodles tonight, and it was wonderful! I love to make homemade stir-fry with vegetables and lean meat, however, without rice, I had not prepared one of our favorite meals since my husband and I were both diagnosed with diabetes in November. What a life changing disease! Thanks to your noodles, we now can have our "rice" and "pasta" guilt free.I am so glad to have found your web site.Have a great weekend!
-- Nebraska
Thank you for your wonderful product. Since I added your noodles in my diet, my blood sugar has stabilized, almost normal. First time in 10 years!!!!I think you need a sales person or distributor in Houston, TX. There is a huge Vietnamese/Chinese community here. We need Miracle Noodles in our SUPERMARKETS!!!!!Thanks again for your outstanding product!!!
-- Spring, Texas
I am new to these awesome noodles. I am a new addict to the Angel Hair pasta. I recently purchased the variety pack to 'test' all of it and decided that there is some I LOVE and some I DO NOT like. I think that is kind of wierd considering they are the same just different shapes!!!! Would it be possible for me to order the variety pack without the 2 larger flat noodles (lasagna and another that I don't remember the name)? I LOVE all the other shapes except those. I made tuna casserole, tuna pasta salad, crab salad, etc. etc. and love all of them (angel hair is the ultimate) but could I order the variety pack and have the flat ones replaced with the new darker angel hair or regular angel hair and keep the rest the same???? I am so very glad I found you guys by "accident" I will be a life long costumer!!!!
Thank You,
-- Deb
I just LOVE shirataki noodles (and they are FAR BETTER than tofu shirataki!!!). I am definitely a customer for life!!!! Thanks for such an incredible, miracle food!
-- Rockville Centre, NY
Just want to say that your noodles are excellentand the first substitute I have found for pasta.Being a diabetic I have not been able to enjoy past for years,now I order 40 packs at a time, they are so good
Thank you
-- Pat
-- Reading, PA
I am a new customer for Miracle Noodle- I just received my first shipment and am very pleased with the priduct- I will continue to be a customer in the future.
-- New Marshfield, Ohio
I have been a customer for about a year now, and I love substituting your product for high carb pasta.
-- North Woodmere, NY
I am a customer and love the noodles. I'm doing Body Ecology and they are highly recommended.
-- Monteagle, TN
I had them last night and they are GREAT!!!!!!!!! You have the BEST brand that I have tried!!!! I have SOO many severe food allergies so I am limited.. Don't worry, I will be ordering all the time ? thank you so much for everything!!
-- Freehold, NJ
Having lost 50 lbs, I found myself craving what I love best....PASTA! During my weight loss program, I subscribed (and still do) to Hungry Girl which offers helpful hints and wonderful recipes to loose by. I found Miracle Noodles on that website and I'm the happiest person in the world right now. These things have saved my life (and my hips). Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
-- Sunnyvale, California
Hello, I am writing to let you know how much I am enjoying the Angel Hair noodles that I found on your website. I have been on a special diet because of health issues for almost 6 years now, and it is so nice to be able to enjoy noodles again. I have been playing in the kitchen with these noodles, and am coming up with a lot of different things to do with them. They are wonderful!
Michelle- Customer Since 2007
-- San Diego, California
Started eating healthier last year just after Christmas and havelost over 100 lbs (yes, one hundred) and am off blood pressure and bloodsugar medications...carb control was the key, and paying close attention toglycemic indices and glycemic loading factors.Wanted to respond since you gave me such courteous and personalservice the times I have ordered from you.
-- Inverness, Florida
I'm a customer... I've ordered the angel hair before, and just recently the mini-pearls. I^_^ I have to do a lot of my own cooking because I'm vegan, and I don't live in a place with many vegan friendly restaurants. With my powers, those of vegweb, and your pastas combined... I shall help provide more wonderful recipes for your customers!I love your pastas. Regular pasta makes me VERY sick when I eat it. I'm not going to get into the gory details, but I haven't had any issues with this stuff. It's also delicious when prepared correctly. So far I've had macaroni salad with it, and now my own version of hamburger helper. Mmm...
-- Conyers, GA
My orzo just arrived and I quickly madepork fried rice. OMG we just loved it.You have made my LC life just all the morejoyous. Thank you.
-- San Juan Capistrano, CA
I really enjoyed the noodles. It makes an excellent egg-drop soup (w/ egg whites, mushrooms, broth and diced chicken). I am already thinking about another shipment, because I doubt this one will last long!
-- Fairbanks, Alaska
Thank you for your immediate response. Prepared noodles in place of spaghetti noodles for dinner and love them. Like the texture and very filling. Look forward to more meals and weight loss! Anxious to tell my other Weight Watcher members, at the next meeting, about this Mircle Noodle! So glad I discovered you on the internet. Thanks again!
-- Hayward, Wisconsin
I've tried to not eat pasta when I am dieting, but find I am kind of addicted to it.....So I usually have pasta quite often when I'm not dieting....I am on the Atkins diet right now and read about the noodles......I didn't really believe I would like the noodles when I ordered them....(so I ordered a small amount). I finally received them today and tried it for dinner....wow....it didn't taste at all like the low carb pasta...or any other low anything pasta ....it was great...so I ordered a lot more....Thanks, I really think this will make a difference....It was really good...
Janet -
-- Moose, Wyoming
Thanks for the prompt follow-up. The package arrived yesterday afternoon. I really love this stuff. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too.
-- Virginia Beach, Virginia
I found your site while searching for tofu shirataki noodles and love yours even more! I'm sold for life on your product.
Gina, Boston, Ma
I just wanted to let you guys know that I finally got used to using my miracle noodles and WOW What a benefit! It's SO nice to have food to eat that fills you up knowing it has benefits to your health and no repercussions! All I can say is Thank you thank you thank you :)
-- Sun City, California
I LOVE THE NOODLES. I am becoming a Miracle Noodle disciple. Already two people have ordered because of me.Here is my review: https://stillwaitingfortherunnershigh.blogspot.com/2008/04/miracle-noodles-are-simply-divine.htmlFeel free to quote any of that for your testimonial page. :-)
-- Matt
I found this site through my HCG recipe searches..I got my first order of miracle noodles..I am so pleased! I stir fried them with onion powder, garlic powder, and salt, added salsa..and YUM!!!!! What a great break from my usual phase 2 HCG recipes...Thanks!!
-- Sandy, Utah
I am so pleased that I found you guys! I would love to give you my wonderful recipes but I actually do not cook at all. I placed my first order and for two weeks I have simply been adding one bag of Angel Hair noodles to my low fat frozen lunch entrees. My portion sizes are more than doubled, I stay full much longer and I have lost 3 pounds already! What a great addition to my weight loss program. Thank you so much!
I have been buying your noodles and inventing an array of delicious recipes. So far my domestic partner, Mike has lost 30 lbs. and I have lost 15 just my eating pasta every night for dinner. I have actually developed many recipes that I am not putting into a Miracle cook book. Would you be interested in listing it on your web page? I am seriously thinking about a distributorship with miracle noodles. LOVE THEM
Love, love, love the noodles. I haven't had pasta in 8 years with just an occasional 2 oz serving of rice pasta, blah. This was fabulous!!!!! Now, so to speak, I can have my cake and eat it too!I will be leaving for VA soon to visit my family and will have some mailed out there. I plan on trying some of the different types, but I loved the linguine.
Thank you for your product.
-- Barbara
-- Melbourne, Florida
I received my order of angel hair pasta the other day. Had it for dinner that night, great! Had it for dinner last night, great! As a diabetic I thought having pasta was only a memory, not anymore! Thanks, what a good alternative to the calories, fat and carbs. My next order will include the Rigatoni....my favorite! Thanks for a great product.
Bill- Carson City, Nevada
Loved my Angel Hair.Telling everyone about this yummy noodle.I lost 4 pounds last week.
- - Tery
Hey you guys! I\'m Italian, both sides of my family, I owned a pizza shop and won 2nd best in the Mid-West 1995, and Best Pizza in Ohio 1998. I sold 13 types of pasta made by a company who purchased their machines from Italy, the real stuff! I am so impressed with your Miracle Noodles! I purchased the angel hair. I want to try other types but everything I want is \'out of stock\'. Seems I'm not the only one who loves your noodles! If I got on the auto order plan, will any of the out of stock items be available? I\'m a diabetic and I\'m working on a 30 day diet plan that includes your noodles for the majority of the meals.......angel hair is great, but I want rigatoni and fettuccini to add to the variety. Help me, I\'m hungry! All kidding aside, you have a great product, I\'m truly impressed. My wife\'s favorite is angel hair in a butter and fresh garlic sauce with Peccerino Romano cheese! What a wonderful meal it makes all by itself. Let me know, I need at least 4 orders of noodles to complete my plan, want to lose 35 pounds in 30 days......I bet I can, thanks to Miracle noodle!
I just had my 1st taste of the miracle noodles--YUMMY!!! I ate the whole bag!!!! I steamed some california blend veggies, grilled some ck. breast, and added a small serving of alfredo sauce. Had a heaping gourmet plate. Telling everyone to order!! Just thought I'd share.
YES I have ordered from you. My husband and I are HOOKED!!! We are on the Atkins diet and discovering your noodles has saved us!!
-- Santa Ana, California
I just wanted to tell you that I received the noodles and am delighted! The product is wonderful. Am finding it difficult to believe that there are no calories and no carbs! Thought that was only possible with the air we breathe! How can this be? Anyway, am giving several packages to members of my family who have diabetes. Why aren't you marketing to grocery chains? Thank you so much for a great product.
I just received my first order (angel hair pasta) yesterday. Used it for the first time today, with my usual meat sauce, and I'm HOOKED! The portions looked very small, but both my husband and I felt full before we'd finished it.
-- Lakeland, Florida
I just received my first order of noodles. I had them with a little broth and some left-over meat. I cannot believe how great these noodles are! I'm envisioning all the ways to use them. THANK YOU!
Your products are FANTASTIC for this carb loving but allergic granma that needs to lose a lot of weight
I received the Noodles today (What a great turn-around!) I have doing the Atkins thing for over 4 years (on and off. a seasonal thing) and to tell you the truth it gets harder and harder every time......Until Now! I can\'t believe what a blessing this is....Noodles in the Atkins Diet is unheard of. Watching Carbs is hard enough but oh my goodness you have given it a completely new look. I followed your instructions and then added \"Sea Pak\" Shrimp Scampi to them along with black pepper and crushed red pepper (Total of 6 Carbs). What I came up with is a dish that would make Dr. Atkins roll in his grave! I have plans for a breakfast dish that I\'m sure will change the world.Thanks again and please let me know when I can purchase stock in this item!
-- Maple Valley,Washington
i heard of your noodles in mens health magazine. i introduced them to a co-worker of mine and she bought some which she ended up giving to me. i have since dropped from close to 250 lbs ot 190 lbs on a reduced calorie diet with a workout plan and your noodles. I DID IT IN FIVE WEEKS!!!! i've achieved the same results in past years but over amuch longer period of time. i am taking in about 2100-2300 clean calories a day and i would like to help you spread the word on a massive level. i am 29 yrs old, 5'10" and ripped i can send pics before and after if you'd like. please let me know your product could be a u-turn from the epidemic of our fast food nation. phone or email please respond.
-- Oklahoma
I saw my doctor and my blood results were excellent for the first time in my life!! While I am on a prescription drug it was not producing the results I'm now achieving through the consumption of these noodles and the flour I've purchased from you.Keep up the great work and thanks for offering this healthy product in such a convenient manner.
-- Illinois
120 lbs so far!! 40 because of the MIRACLE noodles that I eat every day. (I only discovered them a few months ago). Since I discovered the Noodles they are a DAILY staple. I know quite a few opera singers who eat them. I have suggested them to EVERYONE.I will keep you posted.
Thanks again,
-- Othalie
I just tried my first package of angel noodles. They was fantastic. I was very skeptcal at first, because most "diet" food has little to do with taste and texture.Your product is right on the mark. I added the noodles to homemade chicken stock and they were wonderful. Thanks for helping the pastaholics of the world.
-- Vandalia, Ohio
I received my shipment yesterday.....made my regular fettucini alfredo recipe, substituted the miracle fettucin noodles and ate an amount that I would normally eat followed by a bowl of fresh raspberries and a little later some SF Reese's PB cups. About an hour later I thought I was going to explode!!! Needless to say it was a valuable lesson and made the point of how filling they are! I have a recipe that I created for left over fettucini where I add marinara, pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives and mozarella....it's waiting at home and I can't wait to have it for dinner. After 2+ years on Atkins, it's fun to be excited about cooking new dishes again. I LOVE THEM!!!
I got my first shipment of noodles and tried them with some Thai Spicy Peanut Sauce and they were excellent. I'm ordering more.
I have just lost 20 pounds with the help of Miracle Noodles. I have a wheat allergy, blood sugar problems and on Atkins, so the Miracle Noodles are a lifesaver to me. Thank you.
-- Florida
I am so happy that I tried the noodles, they are fantastic and, like I have read by so many, it has been a huge help in my weight loss. i would love to be able to buy your noodles in the grocery store, will that ever be an option?
Thank you
-- Julie
Thanks for a great product! Our family has Celiac Disease & food allergy issues & Miracle Noodles really are a miracle for us! We are just getting going w/ the product ! Thanks again!
I tried the Angel Hair and just Love It. I have turned on co-workers to your products. I'm getting ready to purchase more and want to know which one is the thicker noodle (speghetti-type). I'm Italian and pasta is very important to me. I would eat it everyday if I could, but the Carbs/Calories stop me, but with your noodles I can have them whenever I want. It has satisfied my craving for Pasta without the guilt! Thank You again.
-- Orange, CA
I have received your trial shipment and will continue ordering your product. I have a daughter with a genetic disorder that causes life threatening weight gain on very few calories. The disorder is Prader-Willi. Your product is in fact a miracle to me. I am able to expand her small meals of home made soup to make more satisfying portions and she loves these noodles. Again this product is a miracle to me.
I want to tell you something very amazing ... at least to me! I THINK it can be attributed to eating Miracle Noodles!!!my ongoing battle with high cholesterol: December 2008 cholesterol was 267, with LDL at 156. I fought with the doctor, NO LIPITOR please! (as I had been since year 2001 when my cholesterol went from 202 to 218 and every year climbed higher and higher and never came down again). I tried herbal pills, niacin, smart balance, metamucil, 30 minute treadmill every day. Nothing really worked. January 2009 Total Cholesterol was 230 and LDL 136.Then, because (as you might remember) I mistakenly ordered a double shipment of MNoodles and was afraid they would go bad, I started having them almost every day. (For last 6 months, I had been "rationing" them, using them as "treats" once a week).The saga continues, the doctor orders another blood test last week. Just got results yesterday. check this out! Total Cholesterol down 22 points to 208! LDL down 31 points !!! to 105. HDL UP to 91 from 84. Numbers not seen in 8 years! Lipitor doesn't even do that good! II thought and thought and realized the only thing different was MNoodle consumption! NOT weight loss, not benecol, not any of the supposed things that would bring the cholesterol down. I THINK it was the miracle of Miracle Noodles!I am now on a quest to bring these numbers down even further. As an experiment, I'm going to eliminate any other cholesterol-lowering items and just add MN almost every day.Thanks and thanks and thanks!
-- Florida
this is my second order, and joy has returned to my health regime!High Cholesterol and Diabetes are being satisfied!Thank you for a great product and delicious meal...Lana
Downey, California
I've tried these and I LOVE them.They have helped me stay on a strict food plan without feeling deprived.A great way to have your "noodles" and eat them too!
-- Weston, Florida
I used the noodles tonight for dinner, combining them with a type of shrimp scampi (with mushrooms). My husband and I shared a package and we LOVED them. So, tonight I ordered the package with 20 bags, plus the Black Angel Hair sample pack.Thanks to you and your team for all the help. This is a life saver to be able to eat noodles again--one of my favorite foods. Have you and your people put together a recipe book? I'm looking for a recipe for Alfredo sauce to use with the noodles.
-- Utah
Thanks you! I am pregnant with twins with gestational diabetes so the zero carbs is a blessing! Don't care about calories- actually they want me to gain abit-so ill probably smother them with an olive oil sauce of some kind- but after - when I need to get my body back- your product is a blessing! Thank you!
Valerie- Marina Del Rey, California
Thanks Jill. I am in a special diet program to get me off diabetes medicine. I had your noodles last night and with my wife's sauce they were better then expected. Since Rice noodles do not help this really is a blessing! Art
This stuff is great when you are really hungry and want to eat something healthy ,filling and fast!
Boulder, co
Hi...I want to just say that I think Miracle Noodles are the absolute best thing going. I have told my endocrinologist to recommend them to her patients, I have gone to the local stores and asked them to carry them...I actually wash out the packets and keep them with me to leave with the managers..What I like is the variety box...I find that the orzo, spaghetti, little circles(something with an a) etc. are really good..and although the tastes are pretty much the same, they feel different depending on the thickness and chewiness..I love to cook and have found a way to use them in at least one, and usually 2 meals a day..I don't use them as a meal replacement...as diabetics need to eat...but I use them to bulk up a healthy meal, leaving you feeling full, guiltless over calories, and the noodles add texture and prolong the meal...so, to me, even my doctor called shocked that my A1c has come down to much, so quickly...I also mix a teaspoon of the powder in some tea before all meals that I eat at home...and even take it out with me...my numbers went from over 500 to less than 100..in a month...I also like to eat...so little tiny portions do not do it for me...but with the miracle noodles, my small meals get big..LOL...anyway, I am just saying that they are truly amazing...and I have so many people using them, even my friend in Virginia ordered a case...So, for the automatic order, offer the variety case...that is the most fun..and lets me experiment with different dishes all the time...The regular long noodles, I stand and chop them up as if you don't, one slurp and the meal is over...if you get what I am saying...I still have about 2 1/2 cases in the house..but when they are finished, I plan mostly to order the variety pack and the konjak flour..if that is how you spell it...I usually have the noodles with lunch and with dinner...breakfast is ezekiel bread with a veggie burger..yes, I am a vegetarian, just about vegan...don't eat dairy and almost never eat any egg product...I am actually thinking of writing some blog, or a book about my diabetes, weight experience and what worked for me...it is all so simple and easy once you "get it" and miracle noodles make "getting it" so much easier...both to eat and feel satisfied as well as eat and not raise your numbers...I don't know if it is possible, but once again, I think the variety is the best...I search through the box until I find something I have not had in a while...I did order a case of the rigatoni...love them too..but I eat them a lot and love the orzo...so I am learning what I like the best...but all is good...just some shapes are easier to work with than others...also love those little nests...fun..great in chinese dishes...I can obviously go on and on..I just emailed your site to my friend's daughter who opened a healthy yogurt shop that sells low carb options...I told her to get in touch with you for wholesale..she is in Boca...I think the noodles will catch on and sell like crazy....Ok...I wrote enough...love the noodles...thanks for such a great product.
We are getting more customers in our store that are diabetic so hopefully we will be ordering more frequently. Customers that purchase the Shirataki Noodles absolutely love them, even the ones that are NOT diabetic.
-- Rhode Island
Thank you for your prompt shipment. I enjoy the noodles. Only wish I had ordered a variety, but I will next time. I wish all my shippers were as quick and efficient as you. Again, thank you.
The orzo is even better than the angel hair! I can see you folks are determined to make me healthier and thinner. I wonder if I could talk my favorite sushi restaurant into using it...Now if only you could get me off nicotine...
Joseph, New York , New York
Good morning. This may sound a bit silly, but I actually like the texture when the noodles are extremely chewy after cooking them. It reminds me a bit of squid texture, which I love! So I actually cook/microwave the rigatoni ones on purpose!!Also, have been experimenting with various recipes (e.g. Pad Thai, Singapore Noodle, etc) with much success. These are delicious in noodle dishes, and also I make a rather yummy snack/desert with them, mixing in Walden Farms (no-cal) peanut spread and chocolate or caramel sauce and a spoon full of crushed cacao nibs. This is pretty good hot or cold.Thank you so much for being there, and please keep up the great work.
Thank you so much for introducing me to miracle noodles. I absolutely love them. My husband is Asian and many of our favorite dishes call for bean threads or rie noodles. What a joy to find that your noodles fill all of our needs without calories! They even fill our yakisoba needs.Thank you so much for helping to "lighten" our meals. Thank you doesn't seem enough! Our health is what matters.
I got my first order of Angel Hair miracle noodles. I used a receipe from the Rachel Ray show and substitued the pasta for MN. It was great. I think I am going to like this product.
I just traveled across two states (not as crazy as it sounds my family lives there) and purchased the Miracle noodles in a gluten free health store. I was concerned about purchasing a large amount off the website. I AM NOT CONCERNED ANYMORE!!! They are AWESOME. My mother in law even tasted them and liked them and she does not like anything. Believe me when I say that. I am so excited to try the other varieties. Thank you Miracle Noodle.
Hello,I received your newsletter and just recently received my first order of the angel hair pasta. I am already in love! I looked at the web page and would also like to order some of the mini pearls and fettucini.
Got my noodles and absolutlely love them!!!!! I've tried the soy shirataki noodles at whole foods but these are WAY better!! I'm 56 and need to lose some weight and also have been diagnosed with prediabetes, so these noodles seem like a godsend to me as they hopefully will help me lose weight (I've tried everything and nothing seems to work) and also control my blood sugar. Thank you so much for these noodles Also, am finding the 7 part newsletter very informative -thank you for that! And also enjoyed the Tom Venuto materials- I exercise quite a bit and have done so all my life so I always like to read fitness info. Thanks a lot for the noodles, the info, and the support!
We love the variety, you never know what you'll get and it is fun to open the package and try something new! Thanks so much, and we will just start ordering on our own k Marie. by the way.....WE LOVE the NOODLES!!!! I have thru hard work, exercise and diet been able to lose almost 300 pounds on my own (298 to be exact) and my husband has lost 70! we have always loved pasta and it has been a real sore spot with us cause we feel deprived. But since finding you guys, you have made dinners fun again! We have been recreating all of our favorite dishes using your products and fat free low calorie ingredients to make the most amazing dishes! As soon as we perfect them completely we will send you the recipes and share with others promise! Just wanted you to know you made two used to be morbidly obese individuals very, very happy!!!! Here's to enjoying the rest of our lives being skinny, healthy and eating like kings.
-- Utah
We just received our angel hair noodles today. My wife made an asia style sauce with vegy's and added the noodles...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot believe how good these noodles are, and are pleased with their texture. Thank You
-- Springfield, Missouri
Hello. I received my first order of Miracle Noodles this week, and I just tried them for the first time as a sort of \"chicken broccoli miracle noodle alfredo\" using the white angelhair pasta.Very pleased! After rinsing, boiling, and paper-towel-drying them I used the dry-roasting technique you recommend, which was super-easy and did eliminate the odd smell entirely and make the noodles less translucent.Also, somewhere along the way the noodles got a bit thinner, which I think makes them more appealing, so you might want to mention that on your website if you don\'t already (I don\'t remember reading that, but could have missed it). They certainly don\'t look like angelhair before you cook them, but afterward I would liken them to something between angelhair and thin spaghetti.So far I am just thrilled and see no downside whatsoever. I have type 1 diabetes, so the real test will be whether this spikes my blood glucose. I believe the insulin I took (for the broccoli and the sauce) should keep that from happening, given that there\'s no starch in the noodles. I will send another e-mail in a couple of hours to let you know, referencing whatever ticket number this e-mail generates.Assuming there\'s no ill effect on my blood glucose level, you have not only an enthusiastic new customer, but a zealous evangelist of your noodles! LOL
Thanks so much!
-- Jen
Wow, truly surprised! Great product and definitely a Godsend.I have once before tried these type of noodles, not the Miracle Noodlebrand, but something in the store, and I did not like the odor or flavorfor that matter at all. Now, maybe I didn't do them right, even thoughI read the instructions, or I got a bad batch -- who knows.But I just got my angel hair Miracle Noodle, followed your instructionsand they are great! I tried them with some pasta sauce and turkey cutletsand they were delicious.I, like many, have to watch the carbs and sugar for diabetic concerns, andam constantly on the lookout for new ideas and products. My responsemirrors many others in the sense that I can now have a great substitutefor pasta.I still have to try my Agar Agar, and looking forward to it ! Thank youfor providing a great website and avenue to purchase !
-- Caney, Oklahoma
My husband and I are on a low carb diet and your products have been instrumental for our successful combined weight loss of 80 pounds to date. I am telling everyone I know about your product, and you should be seeing new orders!
-- Alabama
Amazing product - love that you were visiting a friend and then marketed this in the us. We have traveled to asia many many times and always think of the things we love and miss from there and dream about how they would do over here in the states. Congrats!
-- Phoenix, Arizona
This is my third order of Miracle Noodles. I ordered the variety pack last time, but I like the Angel Hair the best. The products have helped in my Diet Plan as I have lost 50 pounds in 64 days. The product has been a great substitute for pasta and potatoes.
Since getting my first order of Angel Hair, I have put them in soups, had them with homemade Spaghetti Sauce, with Stir-Fry and with Grilled Veggies and some kind of protein. I use fresh squeezed lemon and Balsamic Vinegar on the Miracle Noodles before draping the Veggies and Fish, Chicken, Seafood or Beef. They were especally good with Grilled Herb and Garlic Lamb Chops. I purchased the variety pack and have been trying to implement them the same. Some of the Noodle shapes are as tough to eat with a fork as peas, they just don't cooperate too well. I have basically given up one of my two starches allowed on my Diet Plan per day and substituted the Miracle Noodles for the starch. I have lost 52.2 pounds in 65 days. It would appear that the Miracle Noodles helped get me around the proverbial "Plateau" in my Diet Plan. I plan to take several packages with me on our two week Island Vacation to St Maarten in May. Preparing the Noodles is a snap. I just yesterday signed for the 20 order pack every month, and hope that will be enough to keep me supplied. Now if I could only find a good bread substitute, this Lifestyle Change would be easy.
I am glad to be apart of this community! I Love your noodles and with time ALL my friends and family will know about them and love them as well. I pray that your business grows ten-fold, but you always keep your outstanding customer service, no matter how big you grow!
-- Dee
This product is the best I have ever had for weight loss. Believe me I have tried many. Thanks again , You will hear from me soon.
-- Gloucester, Massachusetts
I'm diabetic and trying to lose weight and I tried your noodle and they are....WONDERFUL!!! tHEY ARE A MIRACLE...THANKS FOR YOUR WORK.
I tried my noodles for the first time last night........mixed them with left over veal stew & they were just scrumptious.......even my food fussy husband continued to help himself from my plate!!!!!! Thanks for a fabulous product. Lili (Australia)
I am experimenting with your wonderful product, using them almost every day. I love them so much! I have told every possible person about your noodles, and I'm hoping at least some of them become your customers. Keep up the great work, and thank you very much for making my life as a food addict so much easier to bear.
Thank you so much for your product, your dispatch time put other online shops to shame and really shows your dedication to customer service. I look forward to buying from you again as you expand your Australian distribution!
I am diabetic and after the holidays my blood sugar went out of control. I was placed on a very strict, very low carb diet. I was very compliant but it was challenging to say the least. Then I started using Miracle Noodle to supplement my meals. It changed my life. Now I could eat everything my family did, except when they had pasta, rice or potatoes, I had my noodles. I no longer feel deprived or hungry after my small meals. I am satisfied. I also have had to cut my meds in half. Miracle Noodle helped me keep on my diet so I could reduce my meds.Thank you for making this wonderful product available. I am telling everyone I know who wants to lose weight.
Terry, Arizona
Love the noodles.Love the website.Love the recipes.Keep up the good work!
Healthy Hugs,Vicki
These noodles are wonderful! I will never eat regular pasta again!!
Just as an update, I spent 18 of 24 days this month in St Maarten, and the net result was a 4.0 lb loss on my Diet Plan. I am now down 76.2 lbs since starting my Diet on January 13th, 2010. The Miracle Noodles have been a great help as a starch substitute, without the effects of a starch infusion. Keep the MN's coming!
I just received my order and I must say I loved them, I posted a blog on Atkins message board. I think this is just the thing to help people on their diets, it is what you say it is , I will be a customer for life , thank you, keep up the good work
Richard Schwartz
I'm a type II diabetic and these zero net carb products not only help me maintain proper blood glucose levels but satisfy my craving for pasta.
Art Konstantino
This is an important point for people with gluten intolerance. I attended a group that insisted that they needed a certain feeling they get from pasta, pizza and other doughy products. Some are fearful of change. Others, when they step out and try your noodles are blown away at such a simple concept.
Stacy B.
Tallahassee, Florida (Facebook)
Love the product, I've tried a variety of pasta replacements since I switched to low-carb two years ago, this is definitely one of my absolute favorites. Best texture and taste (virtually none, which is fine by me), so I will definitely use this as my go-to when I want something a little extra with my meals. I use them a lot with Rao's tomato-based sauce or sometimes with curries or other stir fries.